Panel 5: 9:00am-11:10am, March 15 (Monday, Hong Kong time), Legacy of the 1980s, chaired by Paola Voci, University of Otago, New Zealand

Panel 5: 9:00am-11:10am, March 15 (Monday, Hong Kong time), Legacy of the 1980s, chaired by Paola Voci, University of Otago, New Zealand

“Motifs of Science and Technology in Chinese Animation during the Post-Mao Cultural Thaw,” Hua Li , Montana State University, USA 

“Adapting Dunhuang in a Transitional Period: Negotiated Intermediality in The Deer of Nine Colors and Jiazi Saves the Deer,” Shasha Liu , University of Toronto, Canada   

“Xu Bing’s The Character of Characters and the Possibilities of Calligraphic Animation,” Panpan Yang , University of Chicago, USA 

“Dynamics of Dialogue: Reconstructing the Sino-European Opening-Up within the Art-house Animation Festival Circuit in the 1980s,” Olga Bobrowska , Jagiellonian University, Poland

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